Hawaii Inspection Group has state certified inspectors to assess and sample for Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint hazards within your home or commercial building. Our nationally certified Industrial Hygienist, who also is licensed in Hawaii as a Chemical Engineer, has extensive qualifications of Manage Planner and Project Monitor for larger asbestos projects.
Asbestos is regulated by Federal law for all pre-1978 housing and is a fibrous mineral that has been widely used in construction materials, such as roofing and siding shingles, pipe and boiler insulation, and floor and ceiling tiles. Asbestos becomes a hazard when it is damaged, disturbed or deteriorates (friable) causing its bound fibers to be released into the air. These small, microscopic, almost indestructible fibers are what pose a health threat since they can be inhaled into the lungs, but cannot be metabolized by the body. Chronic exposure to asbestos fibers can cause disorders of the lung and occasionally cancers of the lung and other thoracic organs like mesothelioma.
Lead based paint is regulated by federal law for all pre-1978 housing. The Lead-Based Paint Pre-Renovation Education Rule applies to construction contractors, property managers, and others who preform renovations for compensation in residential housing that may contain lead-based paint (see pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home). Renovations include most repair, remodeling, and maintenance activities that disturb painted surfaces. You should know about the EPA’s Lead: Renovation, Repair and Painting rules that affect the contractors doing the work.
Things that you should know and are required by Hawaii State law; a state certified asbestos inspector must be used to identify suspect asbestos-containing materials prior to the renovation/demolition activities; a licensed and certified contractor must be used to properly remove, containerize, and dispose of the regulated asbestos-containing materials; owners/operators must file proper notification documents with the State Department of Health.
CONTACT US or call 879-6000 to schedule an appointment.
"Hawaii Inspection Group, Inc. (HIG) has performed all our asbestos abatement final air clearances for the last several years. Their professionalism and performance have always exceeded our expectations. We greatly appreciate HIG’s “get the job done” attitude. HIG is always there when we need them, including weekends and holidays.
We confidently recommend HIG to clients who call us requesting referrals for hazardous materials testing. We refer clients to HIG only. It is our pleasure to recommend employing HIG to anyone requiring their services."
Doug Gardner
A. D. Gardner, Inc.