Hawaii Inspection Group provides services in noise assessment and monitoring. Our experienced engineers and technicians have performed dozens of noise exposure studies for a variety of Hawaii customers including Matson Shipping and the US Air Force.
We have experience using a wide variety of noise monitors including dosimeters and sound level monitors. We provide both noise monitoring and noise abatement design services. We also provide noise monitoring of mechanical equipment such as elevators, HVAC equipment, and restaurant equipment.
CONTACT US or call 879-6000 to schedule an appointment.
Hawaii Inspection Group has been a pioneer in Hawaii in the field of property damage assessments from earthquakes, aging and settling, and construction activity. Using the 30 year experience of its consultants, HIG specializes in assessing the possible damage to buildings and analyzing the impact of blasting and construction activity upon nearby buildings using the latest in seismic monitoring technology.
Hawaii Inspection Group uses visual, on-site inspections, crack measurements, and a 30 year background in damage assessments throughout Hawaii and California to help determine the extent of damage to buildings that may have resulted from ground vibration. These assessments are extremely valuable when determining the extent of any needed repairs, and the cost of the repairs.
Before starting construction activity, many companies retain Hawaii Inspection Group to provide a pre-construction assessment. This acts as a base line condition assessment to be used with a post-construction assessment to determine what, if any, damage has occurred during the construction. The process can significantly reduce claims. We can also set up seismic monitors to measure the magnitude of vibration that is present with blasting, pile driving, or compaction. This information is routinely accepted as a defense against claims of damage from these activities.
Both Thomas Douma and George Drew are “qualified expert witnesses” in the State of Hawaii and are available to prepare litigation documentation and present testimony. Additional services available are drainage assessment and expert witness testimony.
CONTACT US or call 879-6000 to schedule an appointment.