Hot water systems can be modernized with various pre-heating systems, co-generation system, solar and a combination of these systems. Solar hot water heating became a big installation 30 years ago, but many are out of date and have become expensive long-term maintenance items. Many solar hot water systems are not as energy efficient as planned and may be wasting your money, as compared with the heating system options of today.
HIG has been assessing these hot water systems and providing options to modernize. Some systems have been modified from a roof top full of solar water heating panels, storage tanks and gas fired back ups; to a roof top filled with Photovoltaic Panels (PV), an energy efficient hot water Heat Pump and much smaller water storage tank. System changes such as these modernize and make more efficient hot water heating systems for many projects. We have success in water heating savings and also providing electricity to run the Heat Pump and generate excess electricity for the property.
Many properties have other mechanical equipment that have discharge heat or cooling and the use of these can also preheat or cool in other needed areas. The use of electricity from an installed PV system with a fixed or known cost has given us all the ability to control costs by not using energy that fluctuates with the gas prices. Historically, Hawaii gas prices (propane included) have risen by more than 5.0% per year. Through the use of PV, heat pumps and co-gen type systems; we can assist with giving the cost controls back to you.
CONTACT US or call 879-6000 to schedule an appointment.
"I would like to thank you for the prompt & reliable service. We’ll certainly keep you in mind for future projects."
—Edgar Yokoyama, Japo Yokoyama Building Contractors, Inc.