Robert’s 25+ years of prior experience in condominium management proves valuable in the services he performs today for HIG. Robert performs Home & Commercial Inspections, Reserve Studies, Environmental Services (Mold, Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Water Intrusion assessments and/or sampling), Construction Services and Energy Efficiency consulting. As Vice-President, he performs not only the duties of the President of HIG when needed, but he also works directly with clients out in the field. When his clients respond with, “You just happen to be really outstanding at what you do …” it tells you that his work ethic is exceptional and you can be sure that he provides the same high level of care and performance for all HIG clients.

"Robert is extremely thorough, professional, respectful, knowledgeable, and provides excellent customer service.Robert uses a team approach and is happy to take the time to answer all questions. He goes out of his way to be accommodating with his schedule and stays in constant communication whenever you need something.
I find Robert to be an excellent problem solver, and he is very skilled in explaining defects that he discovers. He goes above and beyond in making sure that his clients not only receive their reports in a timely fashion, but they understand his findings and are presented with a remediation action plan."Tracy Michelle O’Reilly R (S)
La Costa Realty Hawai’i, LLC
Robert was one of the founding members of the Condominium Council of Maui. His many years of experience is extremely valuable in working with property managers and boards for the services they require (reserve studies, project coordination and energy efficiency consulting).
- Associate Member of American Society of Home Inspections (ASHI)
- Asbestos Certified (Inspector)-State of Hawaii Department of Health-HIASB-3034
- Lead Based Paint Certified (Risk Assessor)-State of Hawaii #PB-0297
- Founding member of Condominium Council of Maui; life time board member