Hawaii Inspection Group’s diversity of services offers qualified inspectors and consultants. Their training, credentials (Hawaii State Certified & Licensed; National Certifications) and many years in the field of their expertise, sets Hawaii Inspection Group apart from other companies. HIG specializes in problem solving and preventative awareness. Collectively, HIG consultants and inspectors have the resources to meet your needs and expectations.
Robert has many years of prior experience as a property manager. His duties included lead engineer, reserve study planning, new construction inspections, supervision of employees, and forming of associations. He is a founding member of the Condominium Council of Maui and is still actively involved on the board. Robert is DOH Hawaii certified Asbestos & Lead Base Paint Inspector, CAI associate member, and ASHI associate member for home, condominium, and commercial inspection certified #ASHI211113-RM. He has been assisting Community Associations, problem solving, and performing Reserve Funding Studies for them, since 1986 and continues to this day.
Find out more about Robert MiskaeCHARLES HARDY
Charles “Chuck” Hardy has over 25 years experience in his field as a chemical engineer and industrial hygienist. His duties included government liaison, union interface, project management, quality maintenance, technical reporting and government compliance. Chuck is a Hawaii licensed professional chemical engineer, a certified Industrial Hygienist and Hawaii certified Asbestos (inspector, management planner & project manager).
Find out more about Chuck HardyCHRIS HAMMAN
Chris has over 20 years in the construction industry, which included 15 years self-employed as a general contractor. His working knowledge as a general contractor and employment as a project manager have proven to be valuable in his areas of expertise. Chris performs many services for HIG such as residential and condominium inspections, concrete scanning, mold and water intrusion assessments, and many other building assessment and new construction inspections.
Find out more about Chris HammanKIT CARLAN
Reserve Studies
Kit attended the California Maritime Academy, now Cal State University Vallejo and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Engineering and an Officer commission in the US Navy Reserve. As an engineer for the NOAA Seattle office, he sailed to Alaska and Hawaii performing ocean scientific research. He then moved to southern California and worked as a Mechanical Engineer encompassing manufacturing, commercial and retail properties.
Find out more about Kit CarlanJOHN LODGE
For over 35 years, John has worked within many different facets of the construction industry. Being self employed as a general contractor and company owner for 24 years, John’s extensive background, knowledge and experience in the residential and commercial industry, proves valuable in the services he performs for Hawaii Inspection Group. John’s client’s see him as ethical, professional, detailed and a pleasure to work with.
Find out more about John LodgeNALU BUSTILLOS
Nalu completed her home inspection certification through AHIT (American Home Inspectors Training) and has gained advanced electrical and pool inspections certifications through NACHI. Nalu’s direct training with Robert has gained her insight and knowledge beyond her certifications. She is DOH certified for Asbestos project monitoring and Lead testing through the state of Hawaii.
Find out more about Nalu BustillosJAMIE TAMANAHA
Landscape Consultant and Designer
With 30 years experience in the landscape industry she brings an artists eye to the design, installation and maintenance of resorts, commercial properties, housing developments and private homes with emphasis on maintainability and cohesive integration of design and function. She performs clear and concise communication with associations, management and staff supporting them in the implementation of improvements.
Find out more about Jamie Tamanaha