Hawaii Inspection Group offers services in two key areas of energy efficiency. The first is in energy audits and energy efficiency studies. It makes the most sense to determine where energy can be saved before looking at alternative energy sources. This first type of consulting examines lighting, AC usage, insulation and energy efficiency windows, hot water usage (types of energy, piping insulation), efficient pumping for pools and water features, co-generation where waste heat from one system can be used as pre-heat to another system (AC and hot water production for example).
Once an energy audit confirms the needed amount of energy needed for a facility, HIG can assist you in designing the most cost efficient method of producing that energy. This could be through solar hot water, solar PV panels, and co-generation systems. We can then design and bid out these solutions with contractors who have a proven record in delivering on-time, on-budget system. We can also assist you in financing these systems through reserve funds, bank loans, and third party financing for solar PV systems.
CONTACT US or call 879-6000 to schedule an appointment.